Monday, March 18, 2013
Kerry and BooBoo
Kerry Andrews and BooBoo James are the two women who got Run Ladies Run going here on the island. Their friendship started about 13 years ago when they worked at the Ale House and evolved into "babes in backpacks" with walks around the island. Eventually their walks turned into runs.
They started signing up for races and traveling around the northwest hoping to beat their last Personal Record. Running has always been a social thing for them. A chance to be truly alone with their best friends, spilling their guts about all the fabulous and not so fabulous events in their lives.
Kerry says: "We started Run Ladies Run in the fall of 2008. With the hopes to get more women off the couch, to start doing something for themselves. It evolved into putting on races, allowing local women who had started running & walking a chance to set goals and experience the excitement of crossing a finish line!"
They want you to know that they are just regular women who decided to make running and fitness a part of their lives... And that so can you!