Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sam Fry and Spike Africa

After a long hiatus, I'm back with a new entry for This is Our Town.

Sam Fry is building a scale model of the sailing vessel Spike Africa and I got a chance to talk with him about it and see his progress. The model is absolutely stunning, especially considering that everything on it is custom hand-made by Sam in his shop right here on the island.

Originally from California, Sam was at one time a psychologist working at the VA Hospital in Menlo Park but after several years, he gave that up for an auto body shop which he did for a number of years, taking advantage of the trade skills he had learned in addition to college and graduate school.

In 1981, he and his wife Pam moved to Friday Harbor, and he would make semi-regular trips down to California working various large jobs until finally the money wasn't worth it anymore and he decided he wanted to be home in Friday Harbor.

Read the rest of the story and see a gallery of images of the Spike Africa model at this link.